Depina Credit Solutions

Improve Your Credit
Live Your Life

Acheive better credit and financial independence with our credit repair and education services. Results as fast as 30 days!
Credit Repair

Credit Review

In your free consultation, we will review your credit and create your plan of action.
Credit Repair

Credit Repair

We will dispute all potential errors in your credit reports on your behalf.

Credit Building

We’ll show you how to build great credit with our credit counseling and education.

Our Mission

We are a growing credit counseling company, specializing in restructuring and building your loss credit, and re-establishing your score in the consumer world. We understand the importance of good credit, and will help you become creditworthy again by utilizing the finest tools in the industry.

Our Commitment

We are a national credit counseling and coaching company located in Brockton Massachusettes working with clients and creditors to improve credit profiles. Our credit experts communicate with credit bureaus by challenging questionable, inaccurate, outdated, misleading, or unverifiable data on consumer credit reports.

We Help Remove Bad Credit Like:

Late Payments
Public Records
Much More

Get the Good Credit that You Deserve

Good people deserve good credit! That’s our philosophy and driving motivation. But not everyone is born wealthy, and bad things happen to good people.

Those bad things can devastate your credit and ruin your ability to finance your home or vehicle. It can even keep you from getting a better job!

We provide professional credit repair and hands-on guidance, support, and education to rebuild your credit and help you achieve the life you work hard for.

How Our Credit Services Work

No matter what, you’ll get a free professional review of your credit reports with your free, initial consultation. We consider it a public service! We’ll also develop a plan of action for fixing and improving your credit reports and credit scores — whether or not that includes our paid services. From there, if we both decide our services are a good fit for you, we’ll provide you a much more detailed, in-depth Credit Audit. We leave no stone unturned!

Credit Analysis

We will perform a professional review your Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion credit reports. This includes a detailed investigation for any incomplete, out-of-date, or potentially incorrect information that can be disputed.

Our credit expert will also create a custom, comprehensive plan to improve your credit. This plan will reflect the strengths and weaknesses of your credit profile, as well as incorporate your financial goals.

At the end of your credit audit, you’ll receive a copy of your action plan and a full report outlining all of your negative accounts, their potential errors, and how they can be leveraged to improve your credit scores.

Credit Repair
We understand that improving your credit quickly is likely a serious concern for you, especially if you’re waiting to close on your dream home. You’ll receive results in as little as 30-45 days. We do everything we can to correct as many errors as possible, as fast as possible. We will craft customized disputes for all the negative items on your credit reports and send them on your behalf to the credit bureaus — at no charge to you.

Many of our clients have negative items removed on the first try! But if your goals are not reached, we will continue to escalate your disputes at no extra charge. At every stage, we will re-audit your credit reports for free. If needed, we will contact your creditors and collection agencies directly and use advanced tactics to get persistent errors removed.

Building Credit
Having positive is just as important as removing derogatory accounts. We help you get approved for positive credit that will help you rebuild your credit profile so you can accomplish your financial dreams.

Build Positive Credit Today!

Save and Build Credit!

You can use these below Credit Builder too

Results as Soon as within 30-90 Days!

Within 30-90 days after we dispute all of the potential errors on your credit reports, you’ll receive your results!

For many people, that’s all it takes to achieve their credit goals. But if the credit bureaus fail to remove or correct your credit items, we’ll continue fighting for you.

Most of our clients graduate in less than six months.



We know the signs lenders are looking for in your credit reports. We can help condition your credit to help you get approved.



We use our professional experience and time-tested strategies to get you the best possible dispute results.



It’s our drive and our passion to turn your credit around and to empower you to make the most of it.



In the end, results are what truly matters. We understand that and work hard to get you the results you need to reach your goals.



You’re never just a case number to us. We care about your story, your needs, and your life goals. Talk to real, live credit expert now!

If you have any questions or would like to enquire about involving yourself or someone you know in one or more of our various support services, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

You can get in touch with a friendly Depina Credit Solutions team member via our contact form.

Get In Touch
Get Started Improving YOUR Credit Today!Discover the proven system that has helped family after family improve their credit and get approved for the financing they need to provide the life they desire!

Download Your FREE Guide Today and find out how to start improving your credit!